D Chihuly inspired Recycled Bottle Art work!
The Art Club was challenged with a Repurpose Water Bottle Project! In partnership with the Will County Land Use Department Resource Recovery and Energy Division, Crete-Monee Middle School earned a School Earth Flag for activities related to recycling, conservation, and composting.
Our collaborative art piece:
We saved water bottles and designed a new creative purpose for them! But we did not do it alone, we had help: the students saved bottles and the Crete Lions Club saved bottles for us as well! We were inspired by artist Dale Chihuly, the American glass sculptor! The students sanded the bottles, applied a base coat of gesso and finalized the bottles with acrylic paint. The art piece is proudly installed in the auditorium, so when you enter please look up and enjoy the vibrant colors and movement!
CMMS Art Instructor